Board of Directors

Board of Directors for the Durham Catholic Children's Foundation
Durham Catholic Children's Foundation Board of Directors

 2024 Board of Directors

Tracy Barill, DCDSB Senior Leadership Representative

Monique Forster, DCDSB Trustee Representative

Janelle Emanuel, DCDSB Trustee Representative

Vacancy, Parish/Clergy Representative

Ronald Rodriguez, DCDSB Senior Leadership Representative

Vacancy, DCDSB Principal/Vice Principal Representative

Kimberley Leach, DCDSB Teaching Representative

Julie St. Onge, DCDSB Non-Teaching Representative

Brian Miettinen, DCDSB Retiree 

Vacancy, Community Representative 

Bernadette Santiago, Community Representative (Chair)

Christina Bock, Community Representative

David Cluff, Community Representative (Vice-Chair)

Glenda Fernandes, Community Representative

Stephanie Wood, Community Representative

Durham Catholic Children's Foundation Staff
Vacant, Foundation Coordinator
 DCDSB Staff Resources

Marie Hammond, Chief Financial Officer

Faeron Pileggi, Senior Manager, Communications

Candice Cavalier, Executive Officer